Quartzsite’s La Posa Long Term Visitor Area –
The Bureau of Land Management created Quartzsite’s La Posa Long Term Visitor Area (LTVA) in 1983.
What is really amazing is what LTVA visitors have created there since then! Check out this beautiful rock art that is just west of Tyson Wells Market Centre.

The Bureau of Land Management created La Posa LTVA to help winter campers and to protect the local desert ecosystem.
An ecosystem that includes our cute little Gambel’s Quail! Click here to read my article about Gambel’s Quail in Tyson Wash.
The campground is approximately 11,400 acres. Natural plants include creosote bushes, palo verde trees, ironwood trees, mesquite trees and an assortment of cacti.
La Posa LTVA’s recreational opportunities include hiking, wildlife viewing and rockhounding. Not to mention creating beautiful rock art, as shown above!
La Posa LTVA has ten ADA accessible vault toilets, 8 water faucets, dry dump station, dump station with water, trash services, a dance floor and ramada.
Permits and Fees –
Whether you’re planning a single visit or coming back multiple times a year, enjoy the convenience of purchasing a pass before you arrive to cover recreation-related fees at Bureau of Land Management sites.
Learn more about site-specific digital pass options at the Yuma Field Office.

La Posa’s winter season – its busy time – is from September 15th through April 15th.
The LTVA long term permit ($180) allows use of Bureau of Land Management designated LTVAs continuously from September 15th to April 15th (a total of 7 months), or for any length of time between those two dates.
The LTVA short-visit permit ($40) allows use of LTVAs for any 14 consecutive day period from September 15th to April 15th, starting on the day the permit receipt is exchanged for the official permit and decal.
The short-visit permit may be renewed an unlimited number of times for the cost of the permit. LTVA permits are valid at all of the Bureau of Land Management LTVAs.
The maximum stay is 14 days in a 28-day period.
Visitors must pay daily fees or purchase annual permits at the Yuma Field Office, on site, or here.
Click here for Covid Updates affecting the La Posa LTVA.
La Posa LTVA’s summer season is April 16th through September 14th.
From April 16th through September 14th, the fee is $10 per vehicle for day-use, $15 per vehicle for overnight use, or $75 annually per vehicle, for up to 5 people per vehicle. There will be a $1 fee charged for each person over the 5 person limit.

My husband Steve and I are full-time RV nomads. We think that Quartzsite, Arizona is a great place for relaxing, making friends, and enjoying the desert sky. Follow the unique world of Quartzsite and the nomad life with us.