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A Fun Way to Learn Day Length by Season

Day length changes by season


Here’s a fun and easy way to teach kids (and adults!) how day length changes by season.

Summer and Autumn Search-A-Word puzzles are at the end of this article! Along with a short quiz.


Spring –


The name spring refers to the “spring of the leaf,” as bright new leaves emerge from winter’s bare branches.

On the first day of spring, around March 21, the days and nights are the same length.

That’s why it’s called the equinox – because day and night are equal, throughout the whole world.

That happens twice each year, on the spring equinox and the fall equinox.


During Spring –

Days are longer than nights, and

the days are getting longer.

Photo by Pixabay

Summer –


The name summer comes from the ancient Romans and Old English sumor.  It means fertility, strength, and warmth.

The first day of summer, around June 21, is called the summer solstice.  

Each year on the summer solstice, the sun reaches it’s highest point in the sky at noon.

That’s because the sun has reached its most northern distance from the equator.

The word solstice comes from the Latin sol meaning sun, and sistere, meaning “to make stand.”

Ancient people observed that, on the summer and winter solstices, the sun appeared to stand still in the sky for a moment before turning to go the other way.


During Summer –

Days are still longer than nights, but

the days are getting shorter.

Photo by Mike from Pexels


Fall or Autumn-


Like spring, fall got its name from the changing leaves.  It was named after “the fall of the leaf.”

Before the 16th century, fall was called Harvest.”  After that, it was called “autumn,” from the Latin autumnus, which means “cooling off.”

In America, both “fall” and “autumn” are used to describe the season between summer and winter.

The first day of fall, around September 21, called the autumn equinox.  

Like the spring equinox, both day and night are the same length, all around the world.


During Fall/Autumn-

Nights are longer than days, and

the days are getting shorter.

Photo by Jennifer Murray


Winter –


The name winter comes from the Old Germanic term for “times of water.”

That was because of all the rain and snow that fell over Europe during those months.

The first day of winter, around December 21, is called the winter solstice.  

Each year on the winter solstice, the sun reaches it’s lowest point in the sky at noon.

That’s because the sun has reached its most southern distance from the equator–far away from those of us in the Northern Hemisphere.


During winter –

Nights are longer than days, but

the days are getting longer.

Photo by Pixabay


It’s fun to watch the sun’s path as it changes during the four seasons!  Turn this into a fun game, during leisurely walks outside!

Below this photo are three online games that are a fun way to learn day length by season!

One is a fill-in-the-blank, and two are search-a-word puzzles.

Photo by Jonathan Petersson


Three Puzzles!


Summertime Search-A-Word Puzzle!

Play this online summer Search-A-Word puzzle – search words are to the right of the puzzle.  Hint-they can be upside down and backwards, too!

When you find a word, just click on the first and last letters.  The rest of the word will fill in automatically.

Have fun!



Autumn Search-A-Word Puzzle!

Play this online autumn Search-A-Word puzzle – search words are to the right of the puzzle.  Hint-they can be upside down and backwards, too!

When you find a word, just click on the first and last letters.  The rest of the word will fill in automatically.

Have fun!

Feature photo by Jennifer Murray

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